How to compress pictures in openoffice impress
How to compress pictures in openoffice impress

The Line and filling bar gives you some tools from this part. Just click on the left border and drag it where you want (the mouse pointer changes into a cross with 4 arrows). Like other toolbars you can move this toolbar as a floating window to any other place you want. That toolbar contains buttons for starting the slide show, accessing the template, and for inserting a new slide. You find the Presentation bar on the right side beneath the Standard bar. In the Standard bar you find the Navigator. The menu will open, when you take a long click on the arrow button. You need not to take back all actions in chronological order. You can purposefully choose one action from this list. You can increase or decrease this number in both directions. By default, you can take back 100 actions. Additionally, you find here the Undo and Restore arrows.

#How to compress pictures in openoffice impress pdf#

The Standard bar gives you access to all functions like Edit File, New presentation, Open file, Save document, Export Directly as PDF (since version 1.1), Print, Cut, Copy and Paste. You can retract all your changes regularly in the Edit menu with the Undo command.

  • The menu Help provides access to the different help functions.
  • In the Window menu you can navigate between your open documents or open a new window, or close another window.
  • Additionally, you can create animations and you can choose how Impress will react after a mouse click. And with Slide Show Settings you can select how the slide show will run (start page, style for the mouse pointer).
  • In the Slide Show menu you can start the slide show (with or without stopping the time).
  • In the Tools menu there is also an entry for customizing your Impress window (shortcuts, menus, toolbars) and another entry with options for the standard settings (standard fonts or user data). For the Media Player, the JMF (Java Media Framework) must be installed. The Media Player allows you to play sound or video objects in your presentation. Furthermore you will find here the entry for the new Media Player. And under Macros you find different entries for recording, managing and running the macros. Additionally, you will find the Gallery here, with the available graphics.

    how to compress pictures in openoffice impress

    In the menu Tools you can start the spellcheck and the hyphenation.Additionally, you can call the slide layout and the Styles and Formatting window. You can change the style of the used lines (continuous, interrupted), the direction of your text (diagonal, vertical), the position (spaces) and the size of characters. The menu Format enables you to edit the different objects in your presentation.With the menu Insert you can insert new slides, tables, field commands, graphics and so on.You can open the different toolbars, the ruler and the Status bar, and you can change the view. With the commands under the menu View you can change the zoom of your slide representation.The Edit menu contains commands for the work with your file, like undo, cut, copy, select all, find and replace, the call for the Navigator and duplicate.In the File menu you find the commands to open, create ( new), save, export and print files and to close.The Menu bar contains the main commands for the presentation.

    How to compress pictures in openoffice impress